Why It Is Crucial You Be Able to Speak With Your Vehicle Inspector

Steven has been called the “Expert Vehicle Inspector” because he has inspected 1000’s of vehicles and types throughout his career ranging from cars, trucks, semi’s, tractors, rv’s to boats in St. Louis, Missouri

You know that saying “Straight from the horse’s mouth”?  It means from the highest authority.

“In horse racing circles tips on which horse is a likely winner circulate amongst punters. The most trusted authorities are considered to be those in closest touch with the recent form of the horse, that is, stable lads, trainers etc. The notional ‘from the horse’s mouth’ is supposed to indicate one step better than even that inner circle, that is, the horse itself.” Source 

Same thing goes for being able to speak directly with your vehicle inspector.

Why it is important

Having a vehicle inspected is evidently very similar to horse racing.  You want the most accurate information about the vehicle from a trusted source that is qualified to investigate the vehicle for you.

Getting to know your expectations

Being able to speak directly with your vehicle inspector prior to hiring them to be your independent vehicle inspector provides you the opportunity to interview them and discover their qualifications. Speaking directly with the inspector prior to the inspection can also help lay down your own concerns and make sure certain items will be included in the inspection.  It is important for the inspector to be able to communicate with you as well so they can get a feel for your level of understanding so when the report is written it can be as detailed or as simple as needed to be fully understood.  Your inspector’s goal is to be able to fully address your questions before, during and after the inspection. Getting to know you a bit more prior to the inspection increases these chances greatly.  Your inspector welcomes your questions.

Verifying deal breakers quickly

Many of our clients enjoy being able to speak with the inspector during the inspection process.   In many cases we send quick text or phone calls at the site of the vehicle in confirmation of specific checked areas such as emissions or certain optional equipment.  These are often specific checks that are discovered in an initial phone call with the vehicle inspector and are often labeled as “deal breakers”, meaning if the vehicle doesn’t show to have “xyz” then the seller does not want to purchase the vehicle.  Providing this information in a timely manner often allows you, our client, the chance to pass quickly on the vehicle we are inspecting and continue your search.  However, even though you may pass immediately on the vehicle we are inspecting, we will continue our inspection process and provide you with a full detailed report that you paid for.

Answering all of your questions directly

We get a lot of questions after our detailed vehicle inspection is delivered.  We are more than happy to answer any of the questions our clients may have.  Sometimes it is a simple quick question about our “feeling” of the vehicle, sometimes it is more detailed question such as what was the date code on the tires.   Being able to speak directly with the vehicle inspector who actually inspected the vehicle for you provides accuracy, time saving and provides you the ability to ask the direct question and get a feeling for the inspector’s overall opinion of the vehicle.   We answer questions by email, phone and text message almost instantly in most cases.

What some of the other vehicle inspection companies do

Many other inspection companies (especially the “nationwide inspection companies) often use independent contractors who are out to make a few quick bucks.  I know from my own research that a certain lemon busting company only pays their contractors $75 per inspection and another that goes and looks only pays their lookers $25.  Imagine the quality of inspection they are providing you? These nationwide companies often have verbiage in their terms of service that say you will not have access to the vehicle inspector and sometimes even says your inspection can be cancelled if you try to contact them directly.

Our goal and beliefs

Here at Test Drive Technologies I welcome you to call me (Steven Paul, the owner and inspector) before, during and after the vehicle inspection.  My goal is to have all your questions answered about the vehicle so you can make an informed decision based on the information I provide you.  I understand that our services charge a premium for accuracy, independence and our professional opinion.  I have no problem clarifying things with you to ensure you have the information you need.